The third edition of Putera Indonesia, one of the leading national male pageants in Indonesia, was officially launched and eligible men from around the country were formally presented to the media at Balai Besar Konservasi Sumberdaya Alam, Riau.

Pageant owner Raymond Djambek told reporters that the pageant is a way to present Indonesia's young men and their unique characteristics to the world as this year's winners will be considered as flag-bearers of their country overseas. “The pageant will not only provide opportunities for men, but will also educate them to create awareness not only for themselves but also their families and the community to be more serious in saving and protecting the wildlife and environment. According to the organisers, the pageant will have many rounds to appraise each contestant's talents, confidence and intelligence. They also hope that the finalists would take the opportunity to learn as much as possible throughout the pageant week. The winners of Putera Indonesia 2017 will represent Indonesia in Mister Global, Man of the Year & Man of the World pageants. They will also travel in different parts of their country to serve as an ambassador and to promote the pageant's causes.
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